Friday, February 21, 2014

The article written by Larry Kudlow is completely against Obama Care. Kudlow talks about how President Obama is making changes to his own plan but does not go on to explain what the changes consist of. The article is pushing the republican idea, that if they get elected, they would put a hold on Obama Care. Then, he goes on to list a bunch of things that is wrong with Obama Care to scare the reader in going against the plan. However, Kudlow never mentions the good things that Obama Care has done, such as how insurance can't cherry pick who they want to cover and who they don't. The writer's intended audience would be the people supporting Obama care and get them to change their minds. The author does not have much credibility according to me. He does not show where this information is coming form and it is completely one sided. I do not agree with the author at all because Obama care has actually lifted the hold that insurance companies had on us. For example, we can get treated for a prior illness that we had before getting the insurance.

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